Monday, February 22, 2016

The start of me and you Blog #2

The book "The start of me and you" is written by Emery Lord. In my last blog about this book I have a summery about what I read. This blog is gonna be about what I read so far after that. Well before Paige (main character) used to like this guy name Ryan chase, but for the new year his cousin moved back to the neighborhood and went back to the school Ryan goes to. In the beginning of the year Paige mad a list with 5 things that she wanted to before she finished school. But when she decides she wants to do something new this school year she start quiz bowl. That's where she meats Ryan chase's cousin, Max. Through the months that's passed, she's gets close with him. And at Max's seventeen birthday party Paige realized that her strong absession for Ryan didn't let her see the strong feelings she had for max. But she doesn't know if he feels the same. After her boyfriends death the accured 2 years ago she srtill hasn't fully recovered. Since her boyfriend drowned she hasn't gone into a pool since then because she has nightmares of her drowning. Recently Max tries to help her and takes her to a pool. When she gets deeper she panics and sinks in, and max rescues her. She takes her anger out at max because she's mad at herself because of the fact that it's been 2 years and she's still afraid. On page 293 it's says , "I was mad that I was still so vulnerable after all this time. Mad that I let myself defined by one tragic accident. Mad that I slipped into the water, that my recently had been hapless flailing. It was a fall, not a jump. It should have been a jump. I owed myself that." I think she will get over it soon and with Max's help only. I think the theme of this book is that it's never to late for second chances. 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Adversity blog

The Adversity that Anne Frank has gone through is very tough, she was stuck in hiding for 3 years, she had to share a room with a 50 year old man, and didn't see any other another kid her age for a long time. I don't think I can say that the adversity that I have faced is smimilar to what Anne Frank faced. The Adversity I face and what she faced would be different because things where different back then, things changed over the years. And because things changed, we have different problems. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The start of me and you

The book "The start of me and you" is written by Emery Lord. This book is about a teenage girl name Paige who's boyfriend drowned. she's having a little trouble keeping it together because everywhere she goes someone always talking about him and she just gets annoyed. She's really into this guy name Ryan, she's been liking him for so long but he had a girlfriend. When ryan and his girlfriend finally broke they started talking a little more. Her parents had been divorced for a year. But she recently found out that they are back together and she's not to happy about that. "Happy? My disbelief shifted into growing anger that she'd sprung this in me now, after hiding it all the time. I couldn't already hear the gossip, ricocheting against the lockers and tarnishing what would have been my year, my fresh start. I would be demoted to an even weirder reputation: the girl who's divorced parents date each other." But people know her now as "The girl whose boyfriend drowned". Her parents were secretly dating for 4 months and Paige didn't know. Even though that my own parents are divorced i would want them to get back together because they were like her parents, they would always fight and "bring out the worse in each other". The book is from Paige point of view, and from what she sees, they were pretty bad together. But then again, I understand  them because they just need some time to think. In the text it said "Then you'd remember they were so unhappy together. When we were little, they hardly talked. They only fought. This shows that shows that it might go back to the samething through time. People can't change who they are. They might fight about the same things again. I think they should just try it out, and if it works then that's a good thing. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Key west

Last summer I went to key west in Florida. I really liked how everything is set up. Everybody either drive cars or drive scooters (mostly scooters). There is so much to do and everybody is really nice. Some say that's it's haunted, but that doesn't stop me from living there. There's so many stories on key west. I read some in a book and they were so interesting. When I went I just loved everything.