Friday, May 13, 2016

Famous last words

Famous Last Words is written by Katie Alender. They are still trying to figure out why there has been weird things going on with Willa. Wyyat and Willa to meet a physic and she tells them to get rid of the book Willa has been using to speak to the dead. She told them that while doing that she opened portals that she shouldn't have opened. Each time she tried to talk to her dad she led something bad closer and closer to her. No it's to late because that bad thing already got her and she doesn't know what to do. When they try to find more information on the physic they find out that she comittted scuicide. One night Willa heard dripping in the bathroom so she went to go see and she saw the bathtub was full of rose pedals. Whatever that's bothering her wants to go in there. Willa has been having these visions of rose pedals and water. She tries not to touch the water but she ends up falling in. Later she realizes that it's the actress who used to live there's ghost/spirit. " I was about to dig the box out of my closet when the computer finished booting up. Since I was there, I might as well do a little reasearch before opening the portal again. To be honest, I wasn't all that excited about disregarding Leyta's warning. On some level, I believed she knew what she was talking about. I clicked on the web broswser. Explor every lead, I thought. Leave no stone unturned. So I decided to start with something easy - I googled Paige Pollan. That when I realized that there would never be  a reply to the email id sent. Because Paige Pollan killed herself last August." Paige Pollan was the physic Willa and Wyyat talked to about the visions Willa has been having. Now she can't get any help or anymore information because Paige killed herself. So the investigation is gonna be a little harder. 

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