Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The pregnancy project

The pregnancy project is written by Gaby Rodriguez. This book is about a teenage girl who has a lot of brother and sisters. They are a little poor. Her dad isn't in her life that much. He checks up on her once in a while. All of her brothers and sisters either got pregnant someone else pregnant at a early age. Gaby asks her prinicipals approval for the project. She told her mom, sister, best friend and boyfriend about the project. She has a lot of guilt because she hates to lie to the most important people. In the beginning of the books she thinks it's normal for her father not to be around so much. And also thought it was normal to be pregnant teen mom. Through the the bookshe realizes she doesn't want to turn out like her brothers and sisters did. She doesn't want to drop out of school and she wants to go to college. None of her relatives made it to college, she wants to be the first. "My own graduation was still two years away. I was just about to start my junior year, where things were heating up in anticipation of college. But I didn't want to wait until then to do something important with my life to matter now. Somehow, I knew I was going to make a difference. The only question was how." I think Gaby is going to succeed her project and at the end she's gonna finish college and have a baby of her own but this time it's gonna be in a right time in her life. Once she tells everybody that it is fake people will be surprised and mad, especially her family. But they will get over it in time. 

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